Tag Archives: Financial Services

A Run on the Insurance Company?

WASHINGTON—House Financial Services Committee members today voiced strong interest in solvency and product issues dealing with life insurance at a hearing today.

The hearing, held by the Housing and Community Opportunity Subcommittee of the House Financial Services Committee, dealt with insurance oversight and legislative issues.


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A focus of the hearing was three legislative proposals being considered by the panel that would scale back the authority of the Financial Stability Oversight Council, the Federal Insurance Office and the Office of Financial Research, both within Treasury, to independently monitor insurers.

After hearing testimony from Daniel Schwarcz, a funded consumer representative for the NAIC and a law professor at the University of Minnesota, Rep. Judy Biggert, R-Ill., chairman of the panel, asked members of the panel if there are substantive differences between banks and insurers and if there could ever be a run on an insurance company.

Rep. Nydia Velazquez, D-N.Y., asked if there was any protection by state regulators against systemic risk.

Joseph Torti, III, Rhode Island superintendent of insurance responded when asked about who would protect the economy from systemic risk in insurers by saying it is “hard to imagine” systemic risk in an insurer.

Unsurprisingly, he spoke about the need to preserve the role of state regulators. Then Torti was asked if AIG’s holding company was indeed a thrift.

Rep. Steve Stivers, R-Ohio, noted that he found it “hard to imagine” a mass run on life insurance accounts.

“It seems like the banking system would have to collapse first; it seems difficult to imagine,” Stivers said.

But Schwarcz persisted. “Yes, there could be a massive loss of confidence in a life insurance company.

“News stories would come out, and propel people to start worrying and start taking out cash from their policies to the extent they could, Schwarcz said.

This is a “potentially calamitous situation, and we need to think about it, [where] the state guaranty funds would not would not cover all the exposure out there.”

Stivers also said that he was concerned about the cost of data collection and other demands from the FIO.

But Schwarcz said in response that the FIO needs subpoena power “so it is not beholden to state regulators.”

Rep. Michael Capuano, D-Mass., said at the hearing that he is concerned that there will be one big insurance company if everyone consolidates.

Capuano also defended the current language in the DFA concerning the powers of the FIO and FSOC. He said he is concerned that, “if we don’t have information gathering from neutral people, all kept confidential, of course we put ourselves at risk, for the outliers, who can drag the entire economy down.”

He explained that, “I have absolute faith that the insurance company is smarter than government and you will find ways [around things]…to pretend that a major industry player will never ever put us in a difficult situation is wrong.

“I am worried about what could happen in the future,” he said.

Although the hearing focused on property and casualty issues, Capuano used the occasion to note his concern about his constituents outliving their savings.

He said there is longevity insurance but no consumer can find a product that is inflation-adjusted, he said.

“Why do we have insurance companies if they don’t do risk taking, the job they are supposed to do?” he asked.

“What do we do to cause the annuity and life insurance industry to offer what people want—an inflation-adjusted annuity?” he said.


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What is a Flexible Premium Deferred Annuity?

We all like flexibility and options in life and especially when it comes to our money.  A Flexible Premium Deferred Annuity (FPDA) does just that.  It gives you the flexibility of adding more premium to your annuity.


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Get a Life- Life Insurance Quote!

Universal Life Insurance Company

Image by Thomas Hawk via Flickr

Sometimes people need some tough love.  So here it is.  If  you do not have any life insurance, your an idiot.  Rates for term insurance are offered at very affordable rates.  Purchase less StarBucks and RockStar energy drinks and become responsible American Adults.

Life insurance will take care of your family or create an immediate Tax-Free Estate for middle Americans.   Wealthy people buy it, why aren’t you?



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A Look at Single Premium Immediate Annuities

Debeka insurance company in Koblenz

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After leading a life based on a monthly income for long periods of time during your gainful employment days, people tend to get trapped in the need for a monthly paycheck and the thought of never having any more at the end of each month can be traumatizing. As a result, some insurance companies have noticed this burning desire for a regular5 paycheck and designed the single premium immediate annuities.

The main selling point for this policy is that it gives the holder an assured amount of income on a regular basis on terms that have been agreed upon at the time of purchase. In many cases, the insurance company undertakes an obligation to pay the policy holder a certain amount of cash after duration of time for example, every month or every two months until he dies.

This is a sure way of being certain that you will receive some payments throughout your remaining days until you depart to glory. This method tends to work well for people who may have delayed in getting into some schemes at an earlier stage of their lives. Rather than start gambling with other investment plans that you may not be too certain about their potential benefits, this plan can be a good risk.

At the same time, you have the ability to bargain for a rate that is acceptable to both the insurance company and the policy holder. Imagine investing today and receiving your first pay at the end of the same month. By doing this, the retirees can have an easy time and look for a good place to retire in with the full knowledge that they will be receiving some monthly or quarterly pay checks; whichever applies according to agreement.

The greatest discouragement that inhibits many people from ever seeking policies that have a long term to wait before they can retire and start getting some payments is the uncertainty of tomorrow. With many plans not giving very accurate or definite figures of what the policy holder will actually be receiving after the twenty or thirty years that they may have to wait for it to mature,

This method is often skeptical since market trends as well as government policies may change and affect the agreement negatively. Therefore a good number of people opt to try at their own business ventures even though they may be ill prepared for such a move.

This is just in a bid to try and take control of their incomes even though they may not really be sure of how best to go about it. Others still prefer to just sit back and wait for whatever may come their way upon retirement rather than gamble with matters that are well beyond their control.

If you are in these categories of skeptics who are not so confident to trust some of the flexible investment options that will obviously change according to a number of factors beyond your control, it will do you great help to wait and invest all the pension or long term savings that you might have accrued over the years into a single premium immediate annuities.


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